The James Family – South Jersey Family Photographer

I photographed Brian, Danielle and Nathan shortly after I announced to my family and friends that I was pregnant. At this time, I was experiencing a wicked case of morning (ahem, all day) sickness and was living on sour suckers, ginger ale and pretzels. Normally, I’d be very nervous to photograph clients when I wasn’t feeling my best for fear that I wouldn’t be on my A game. But Brian and Danielle are not only family, they’re extremely laid back too. We were able to take our time and explore the Palmyra Nature Cove at our leisure on this Saturday morning in October.

These three are the most adorable bunch. Watching Brian over the last few years become a father has been so amazing – he is so wonderful and patient with Nathan. He finds the things that make Nathan smile and will do it over and over and over again, never tiring of a two year old’s request to do it “again!”.

Danielle is just as sweet, she truly treasures the time she spends with Nathan. She would run after him, his eyes constantly looking over his shoulder to make sure she was there, and run up and tickle him leaving him in fits of giggles.

And Nathan. Shy at first, a smile that can stop you in your tracks, and sweet as pie. What a happy, happy little guy.


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P: (856) 296-8995
