jamie + tommy + livvy + emily // nj family photographer

Ooooooh, this family! Well, let’s start by saying that I love these guys like family.. because, well, they ARE family. Tommy is my cousin on my mom’s side, and also one of my husband’s best friends. Jamie’s sister married my brother, so we’ve known each other since we were little. And, since I always feel the need to explain that ‘NO, Jamie and Tommy are NOT related’, I’ll explain it simply as: cousins (my brother + Tommy) married sisters (my SIL + Jamie). Now that that’s out of the way..

This family is just the cutest. Livvy is such a doll baby, such an incredible big sister, and the sweetest shy you’ll ever meet. Emily is a whirlwind – she’s just started walking so this girl is on.the.go! She loves to dance and giggle and loves her big sister Liv.

I won’t waste any more time though, check out their gorgeousness below..



We attempted this photo for a good 10 minutes. Emily just kept getting up and running away, and when we’d tell Livvy to grab her, she wasn’t exactly… gentle about it. HA! We were all cracking up over her death grip over Emily.



Yup, they are the cutest ever. EVER.



Oh my goodness, how gorgeous is Jamie?! Jamie is the kind of girl who was made to be a mama. She lights up when spending time with her kids. She’s kind, she’s patient, and she’s warm.



This shot was SO hard to get. We literally sat her down about 25 times before she stayed put. It only lasted a minute.



You know I love you guys, and the beautiful children you’ve created. I can’t wait to document your family throughout every year. Love you all so, so much. xo, Lauren

Serving NJ, PA + NY

P: (856) 296-8995

E: lauren.allmond@gmail.com