Frances is two – NJ Film Photographer

I had this whole post planned about this little love, but I can’t seem to find the words. This sassy little lady is SUCH a joy and SUCH a terror. Being a mom to a two year old is a roller coaster ride – one second she’s cuddling up to me and the next she’s making a smooshy face, growling and telling me to “go away”. Oh, the drama!

But every day I am thankful that she’s mine. Thankful that I get to be her mama, to watch her grow, and to be on the receiving end of her love.


These are Frances’ two year old photographs, all shot with film. We took a trip to the shore with the whole family..




A little blurry family photo, but for being on a timer perched on my backpack, I’m good with that.





Frances did NOT like the happy birthday song..





Two years old going on ninety-four.. “where’s my walker?”





Next up was her birthday party at the house. Apparently we didn’t learn our lesson about the happy birthday song..





And now, if you’ve read my blog previously, you may have read all about my adventure (read: failure) taking some film photographs of Frances at the river under a cherry blossom tree. I mistakenly loaded the camera with black and white film, realized it and then spent another night down at the river photographing her again (this time in color). Below are some of the b&w and color shots..





And this. This is what film is teaching me – that not every shot has to be perfect. Sometimes imperfections are okay, and that you should never sacrifice a moment in the pursuit of perfection. I love this shot of Frances. I took it just as I was losing light and in order to get a proper exposure, I had to really slow down my shutter speed, which meant that I was going to record any little bit of motion. I was engaging with her and saying things to make her laugh, and she’d smile, but still keep looking down or playing with the flowers. Then all of a sudden, she said “you so silly” and started to run to me laughing. Oh this girl, this sweet, silly, happy girl of mine. Looking at this photograph reminds me of that moment. And I’m okay with that. I’m actually really, really good with that.



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