Last week I got to photograph my sweet friend Bridget’s new little love Harrison. Bridget and I became quick friends a few months back when she contacted me about taking some maternity photographs for her. Since then, we’ve spent some time discussing her future photography goals and just becoming closer in general. Bridget is the kind of friend who is your biggest cheerleader, always commenting on my work when she adores it. She is everything that is right with the photography community, and I’m so glad that we’ve gotten to become such friends. This business, while exciting/amazing/exhilarating, is also challenging/lonely/overwhelming. I’m happy that I have someone like Bridget to lift me up, and I can’t wait to support her in her journey.
Alrightttttttttt, now on to the photos! There is so much cuteness in these, just try to contain yourselves. You’ve been warned!
How gorgeous is Bridget? Right?!
I asked Kai to find me the perfect spot for a family photo, and what do you know – he found me this gem!
Oh my goodness, I melt. Harrison grabbing Kai’s face? Kai’s little smile? Mom + dad looking on lovingly? MELT.
Love how this is 100% real life.
Baby Harrison grabbing Kai’s hand.. my favorite.
Oh, hey there handsome!
Family snuggle time.
That little baby pout!
You guys make the cutest kids on the planet. I’m so happy I was able to document this time in your lives. Thank you for trusting me, your continued friendship, and for just being the best! xo, Lauren
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