Oh, these two. I first chatted with Amanda about photographing her wedding a few months ago. We were all to set to meet up when her poor little puppy got sick and had to be taken to the vet. She called me panicked – she had just gotten home, and the vet said they needed to bring him in immediately, but she had our meeting and was there any way that I could reschedule? I told her in less than a second that her dog was the priority and to call me when she was ready to reschedule – I wasn’t going anywhere. Anyone who puts their dog first is my kinda person.
Well, luckily she did end of calling me again and then she asked me to photograph her wedding! So last week, I met up with her & Brian at the Hereford Inlet Lighthouse to take some engagement photographs. She warned me that they both HATED to get their picture taken, and must’ve asked me at least a half dozen times if I really thought I could take nice photographs of people who did not like photographs. Well, I mean.. see for yourself.
Could they be any cuter?! COME ON NOW!
Obviously, no photo session is complete without your puppy. Rocky joined us on the beach – special shout out to Brian’s sister for making that happen!
I think I might love the light on the beach MORE when its blazing sun than I do when it’s cloudy. Look at how everything just sparkles.
The master sitter, as Brian declared himself.
They are seriously the cutest, are they not? By the end of the session, they told me that it was actually a lot better than the thought it was going to be – I mean, COME ON, who doesn’t love hanging out with me? Apparently, NO ONE.
Amanda + Brian – I cannot WAIT to photograph your wedding next year. I had a blast with you guys! xo, Lauren
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